International Highschool Herzogberg recognizes diversity as a core component in contributing to the achievement of its mission of creating a better world. As such students of all races, backgrounds, sexes and religions are welcomed at the school.
The International Highschool Herzogberg has a great commitment and responsibility to provide the best possible support to its students and successfully guide them through the programme. However, in order to ensure for constructive learning throughout the course of the programme, a student must have already achieved a certain academic standard. Subsequently, the admissions process is structured in order to assess an applicant’s level of knowledge and gain insight into their approaches to learning, so the IHH can make an informed decision on whether an applicant is ready for the IB programme.
The admission procedure of IHH examines the following aspects:
Approaches to learning
Level of knowledge in German, English and Mathematics
IT skills
Motivation (as evident in attitude to work)
Social competences
Commitment to extra-curricular activities
In order to assess all applicants in the above areas the school has an admissions process which includes the following components:
- Interview with applicant and parents
- Visitation days at the school
- Tests in mathematics, English, and German
- Submission of motivational letter
- Interview with two members of the faculty
If you are interested in a place at the school, please complete the following forms and send to Nicola Kovacic at